Travis Muff, Senior Scientist developing algae-based protein


Senior Scientist

Triton gives me the opportunity to apply my knowledge and experience to a rapidly developing and expanding industry.
— Travis Muff

Dr. Travis Muff, Senior Scientist, joined Triton in 2020 bringing experience in molecular biology, biochemistry, and synthetic biology. At Triton, he is working on algal strain development and improvement. Travis has worked in the biotechnology field at algal technology leader Heliae, anti-aging startup Human Rejuvenation Biotechnologies, and synthetic biology company Primordial Genetics. While at Heliae he developed molecular techniques in areas ranging from quality control to strain development on multiple company projects. With HRB Travis increased and streamlined recombinant protein production and developed assays to detect and quantify potential therapeutic proteins. At Primordial Genetics, Travis worked on improving recombinant protein expression, developing new RNA polymerases, and improving transformation efficiency in industrial strains. He completed postdoctoral work at The Scripps Research Institute and the University of California, San Diego. At UCSD he worked on transcriptional regulation and developing new genetic tools for the algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Travis was awarded his PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and BS degree in Biochemistry from Iowa State University. His doctoral studies were on the bacterial chemotaxis signaling system focusing on the identification and characterization of a novel family of protein phosphatases.